Origin of astrology
Astrology studies the impact of celestial bodies on each and every person. It plays an essential role in forming a personality and his or her future. Astrology aims to find the inborn talents of the person and to live everyday with the wisdom power of the ancient study.

Astrology converts the ancient observing and teaching for everyday practical usage. Different periods in life are guided by the astrological concepts of progressions and transits of the objects in the sky. A lot of people nowadays are interested in Astrology for many reasons. Except reading Sun signs, a lot of people seek to understand their personal connection with the universe and the way it impacts on their lives. Many people who appreciated the astrological knowledge for their everyday life and life in a larger scale were people like Galileo, Kepler, Carl Jung, Copernicus and others. Astrology helps to understand Astronomy: by making it simpler and providing additional information about cycles and transits which are easier to understand.
Astrology is commonly believed to originate during the 2nd millennium BC, which was the period of ancient Babylonians. Probably this knowledge appeared long time ago, but the first references correspond to Babylonian period. The Babylonians were people who started to “read the sky”. Sooner, the reading of the celestial omens began to spread on other continents. Every country or nation developed individual way of reading the signs from the sky. The astrological context was different from country to country, but the general notions like coming of good or bad times were common for all of them.
A lot of thorough studies were held by Sage Parashara who is an establisher of the Vedic astrology. He found a lot of correlations with Hindu astrology. Both Western and Eastern astrological fortunetelling systems are the same as meteorological forecast systems. After the Babylonians, the Egyptians were the people who followed their knowledge, during he 1st century BC right after it was occupied by Alexander. Greeks then followed Babylonian astrology in the 4th century BC. Before Babylonian system Egyptians were into decanic astrological system and these directions mixed together and Horoscope was invented. It was spreading really fast and expanded on the other parts of the world like Europe, Middle East and India.
During that time the influence of Astronomy and other sciences began to expand and a lot of exact sciences had their uplift. The very first records gotten from Astronomy essentially influenced Astrology, because the movement of the Sun, the Moon, other planets and stars were significant additions to bare observations of Astrology. Both sciences had almost everything in common.